Goal C achievements
Find out how we have been partnering with people and communities to help them take action on stroke.
Goal C
The third goal of our corporate strategy is to partner with people and communities to help them take action on stroke.
Saving Brains
Thrombectomy saves brains, saves money and changes lives, so why do so many stroke patients miss out? If you agree that Saving Brains is vital, support our campaign.
Thanks for choosing to fundraise for the Stroke Association
Thanks for choosing to fundraise for the Stroke Association. Every fundraiser helps us to rebuild lives after stroke and we’re so grateful.
UK Stroke Assembly 2020 Virtual Event
Catch up or re-watch webinar sessions from this year’s UK Stroke Assembly virtual event, and read details of each session that happened each day.
Thank you for signing up for regular updates
Thanks for signing up to receive emails from the Stroke Association. You'll learn more about stroke, its symptoms and supporting stroke survivors.
About the UK Stroke Assembly
The UKSA is an annual event that brings together those affected by stroke. It's an opportunity have a say and influence future campaigns, share experiences and hear the latest developments in stroke care and research.
Thanks for signing up
Thanks for signing up to receive emails from the Stroke Association. You'll learn more about stroke, its symptoms and supporting stroke survivors.
A statement from Andrew Cook, Director of Customer Experience
Andrew Cook, Direct of Customer Experience, delivers a statement about the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on charities, and how people can help in this time.
A statement from Juliet Bouverie, Chief Executive
Over the past year we have begun to make changes to our operating model. This involves changes to the way we're structured as well as ways of working so that we're able to make better progress towards our three strategic goals.